CNRS Informatics in figures
CNRS Informatics currently supports the work of 10300 research actors. To provide them with the best possible environment, the Institute invests in the development of high-performance national, European and international research structures.
4470 engineers and technicians
(including 650 CNRS staff)
960 non-permanent staff
(including 480 CNRS staff)
4860 non-permanents
(including 3550 PhD students)
40 UMR
joint research units (UMR)
joint service units (UMS)
16 GdR
research networks (GdR)
CNRS Informatics has an international presence thanks to:
(International Research Laboratory)
10 IRP
(International Research Project)
(International Research Networks)
Since 2010, the Institute has enabled the creation of:
235 Start-up companies
20% of CNRS start-up companies come from CNRS Informatics
In laboratories linked to CNRS Informatics, there are:
102 ERC
ERC researchers (with European Research Council grants)