Sustain and amplify Franco-Lebanese scientific collaboration
Officially launched last November, the International Research Project (IRP) “Approaches of Diagnostic and Intelligent Control of Systems (ADONIS)” will involve for five years (2020-2024) scientists from the CNRS, in France and in Lebanon, from the ‘Université de technologie de Compiègne’ and from the Lebanese University. This international research program intends to consolidate a fruitful collaboration that began more than 20 years ago in the fields of control, data analysis and control of uncertainties.
Context of the IRP ADONIS project:
Reine Talj-Kfoury: This project is the logical continuation of a long-standing partnership between the Lebanese University (UL) and several joint laboratories of ‘Université de technologie de Compiègne’ (UTC) and the CNRS. This collaboration began in 1997 through a general agreement signed between UTC and UL, renewed three times. In 2012, an agreement for the international co-supervision of theses (‘cotutelle’) was then put in place between the two institutions leading to the defense of 18 doctoral theses. From a research perspective, nearly 70 joint publications have been published in peer-reviewed journals or international conferences since 2012.
Main objectives of IRP ADONIS:
R. T.-K.: IRP ADONIS project aims first of all to increase the attractiveness, at the international level, of the research carried out within the context of this Franco-Lebanese collaboration. It should also contribute to perpetuate and amplify the academic collaboration of this partnership by offering more possibilities for students to carry out internships and theses in co-supervision between UTC and UL. On a scientific level, ADONIS must provide answers to problems that all intelligent systems encounter today, namely an increasing sensitivity to faults as they become more complex.

Involved partners:
R. T.-K.: On the French side, the partners are the CNRS and the UTC while the National Council for Scientific Research of Lebanon (CNRS-L) and UL are the main Lebanese partners. In France, the research work will be carried out in three UTC/CNRS laboratories: Biomechanics and Bioengineering (BMBI), Heuristics and Diagnosis of Complex Systems (Heudiasyc) and the Roberval laboratory. In Lebanon, the Center for Scientific Research in Engineering (CRSI) will also be involved in IRP research.
Research structuring:
R. T.-K.: The IRP ADONIS project will revolve around two main theoretical axes: 1) control, fault tolerance and diagnosis on the one hand; 2) decision, uncertainty, signal processing and operational safety on the other. Three fields of engineering will irrigate these two theoretical axes: clean and intelligent transport systems, biomedical systems as well as robotic and mechatronic systems. At the intersection between the theoretical axes and the three fields of engineering, nine research themes for application purposes are defined. Some of them will directly benefit from the complementarity between the French and Lebanese teams.