The ERC unit
The CNRS Informatics's ERC unit was set up in July 2012. It is coordinated by Delia Kesner and currently made up of around 45 scientists who are either former grant winners or members of ERC juries, and sometimes both. The role of the ERC unit is to provide ERC-related information and help candidates to present the best possible applications.
The information initiatives involve the following:
- the distribution of an ERC guide for candidates which is updated with each call to highlight new developments;
- the distribution of an interview guide with explanations on how to best prepare for an interview and also feedback from previous candidates;
- the distribution of a guide for reviewers for people who wish to help candidates by reviewing and commenting on their projects in the same way as an ERC reviewer might;
- organising information meetings for both (1) potential candidates to provide with them with all necessary elements to consider making an ERC application and how to integrate this into their career plans, and (2) unit directors, team leaders and any scientists who may need to help candidates prepare their project.
The direct support initiatives for setting up an ERC project mostly involve:
- proofreading and scientific patronage for each project by two experts from the unit. One is an "expert" and the other an "outside observer" who respectively work very closely to and more distantly from the project's chosen field;
- interview rehearsals in conditions as close as possible to the actual ERC interview involving a group of experts from the unit to provide a simulation of the likely skills and diversity of ERC juries.
CNRS Informatics support for ERC projects is aimed at any researchers and academics working in fields covered by the CNRS Informatics's defined scientific scope regardless of their employer. Applicants from CNRS units under the Institute's supervisory authority whose scientific activities are nonetheless outside this scientific scope are invited to contact Delia Kesner who will put them in touch with another CNRS institute's ERC correspondent.
To benefit from this support, please contact Delia Kesner when you have decided to make an actual application.
The CNRS Informatics's ERC grant winners
- More informations about the ERC Work Programme
- Watch the series of videos produced by the ERC, that explain in an entertaining, practical way all you need to know about the application and evaluation process
Call Opens | Deadline |
Budget |
Starting Grant ERC-2025-StG |
€751m |
Consolidator Grant ERC-2025-CoG |
€719m |
Advanced Grant ERC-2025-AdG |
€683m |
Synergy Grant ERC-2025-SyG |
€500m |
Proof of Concept ERC-2025-PoC |
€30m |