Jalal FadiliImage processing scientific advisor
Jalal Fadili is currently a professor at the National Graduate School of Engineering and Research Centre in Caen (ENSICAEN) and works as a researcher at GREYC (the Caen Computing, Images, Automation and Instrumentation Research Group - CNRS/ENSICAEN /Université Caen Basse-Normandie). Jalal Fadili is an ENSICAEN engineer (1996), and obtained a doctorate from the University of Caen in signal and image processing in 1999. After a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Cambridge, he joined the ENSICAEN as a senior lecturer in 2001, then as a teacher since October 2011.
His research focuses on signal and image processing, in particular inverse problems, variational approaches, and optimization, and their applications in medical and astronomical imaging. He has been a junior member of the French University Institute (IUF) since 2013.