International cooperation
There are several schemes for structuring international collaborations, including IRL, IRP and IRN, with dedicated funding. Other initiatives, such as the IEA, also support scientific exchanges.
Depending on the maturity and history of the proposed cooperation, various types of mechanism can be considered:
- International Research Laboratories (IRLs) structure the significant, long-term presence of scientists from a limited number of French and foreign research institutions (one foreign partner country only) in a single, identified location. They are fully-fledged research units of the CNRS.
- International Research Projects (IRP) are collaborative research projects set up between one or more CNRS laboratories and laboratories in one or two foreign countries. They are designed to consolidate established collaborations through short or medium-term scientific exchanges. Funding ranges from €10,000 to €15,000 per year for 5 years.
- International Research Networks (IRN) bring together several French and foreign partners to focus on a specific theme. Funding ranges from €10,000 to €15,000 per year for 5 years.
There is no call for the creation of IRLs. This is discussed directly at CNRS Informatics in conjunction with the International Department.
For IRNs and IRPs, a call for interest (AMI) is launched annually. You will find here the documents corresponding to this AMI :
However, there are other types of action that promote international cooperation via regular calls:
- Numerous International Emerging Actions (IEA) also encourage partnerships and the exploration of new fields of research.
- There are also numerous international programs, such as bilateral ones, relayed by the DEI.