Interdisciplinary projects
CNRS Informatics has set up interdisciplinary projects in collaboration with the other CNRS institutes, through bilateral initiatives or within the Mission for transversal and interdisciplinary initiatives (MITI).
CNRS Informatics notably led projects responding to two major challenges, the first involving big data and data science (the Mastodons challenge) and the second image processing (the Imag'In challenge).
The challenge of managing large masses of scientific data (Mastodons)
Mastodons is an emblematic interdisciplinary project launched in 2012 which focuses on the processing and subsequent use of multi-source data. It has resulted in 22 research projects and more than 100 publications. Significant results have been recorded in high throughput genomic sequencing and phenotyping, social network analysis and query optimization on astronomical data.
The challenge of finding new imaging methods (Imag'In)
The Imag'In challenge began in 2015 and is aimed at specialists in sensors and complex imaging systems, information processing experts and experts in related application fields. They collaborate to help new imaging methods emerge in multiple fields namely physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, earth and universe sciences, geography, archaeology, etc.